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An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer

Much like a painted masterpiece, architecture is an art form that has the ability to delight, inspire, and transform.

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer –
Isn’t this true in its entirety? Architects don’t just make a place beautiful; they make any space usable, relatable, and worth living. But, in their work, their designs, blueprints, and technical drawings are key. Having the right printer lets them render complex documents and demonstrate high-quality precision and detail. Only specialized printers can achieve that kind of output, and that’s why an architecture understands how pivotal it is to have a superb printer in an architectural firm.

Most of these documents are printed on large-sized sheets; most architecture firms use wide format printers for their printing needs. However, choosing the best wide format printer for your company can be a daunting task. A large format printer is a significant investment, which makes choosing one that fits the requirements is essential. For an architecture to get into the technical details of a printer, we know that it is relatively tricky and not really a topic of interest.

That’s why we bring this blog piece to you. We hope you keep reading; it will give you a comprehensive guide for choosing the right printer. At the end of it, we hope to make your task a lot simpler.

Printing Capabilities

Choosing a model that matches your requirements is paramount to saving high costs. But, going for a cheaper printer might not be the best option for your business. Suppose you choose a black and white printer. In that case, although less expensive than color printers, it could negatively impact your business as crucial details in plans could be misunderstood in monochrome print. On the other hand, if you choose a color printer, it will efficiently communicate intricate details in your design, potentially making a massive difference to your business.

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer: Printing Capabilities


Knowing which materials you are going to be printing upon is crucial while selecting a printer. Most architecture firms print on materials such as tracing paper, bond paper, and matte film. It is also vital to know the different graphics requirements you want to print and the printer’s substrates.

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer: Materials

Printing Speed

All printers need warming up time to start printing at their rated speed post a stand-by. Most printer manufacturers provide a printing metric such as Pages per Minute or Images per Minute for the customer’s reference. The printing speed mentioned by manufacturers is often the printer’s maximum printing speed. However, a faster printing speed might not be the best for you, as it might compromise print quality.


Your printer needs to print technical documents, blueprints, and graphics with precision and clarity. Choosing a printer that prints the finer details as per your requirement should be central to your decision making. There are two ways of measuring printing quality:

  • Line Accuracy: Describes the margin of printing error. For example, a ±0.1% line accuracy is much better than a ±1% line accuracy.
  • Guaranteed Minimum Line: It describes the lightest line weight that a printer is capable of. Measured in mm, a lower Minimum Line reflects higher printing accuracy.

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer: Quality


It would help you if you chose a printer that is robust and has few moving parts. A good printer should have fewer downtimes and low maintenance costs. It should multitask without any issue. It needs to print with the same efficiency while processing scanned or queued files, scanning, and performing any other activity.


There are three major cost factors to consider while choosing a printer:

  • Hardware Cost– Cost of the printer and its Accessories
  • Recurring Costs– Ink and toner
  • Operation Costs– Maintenance, power consumption

Printers from reputed brands, although expensive, last longer and have better hardware, ensuring durability. So, while selecting a printer, consider the total costs you will incur over the printer’s lifecycle and not just the upfront price.

An Architecture’s Guide to Choosing the Right Printer : Cost

Ease of Use

Select a printer with a friendly user interface to save your time. The simpler it is, the easier it is to delegate it to your peers. Moreover, the printer should have wireless compatibility, print from mobile phones, and use universal cables. Your staff should be able to quickly and comfortably resolve problems without having to call in specialists.

So, are you ready to go to printer shopping? Keep this blog handy while you are at it. If you need support or advice, CityBlue Technologies can help you through the process of making the right decision.

Check out the range of large format printers here


About CityBlue

CityBlue Technologies partners with industry-leading companies to offer the latest large format printing technology. We pair the latest technology with our expert sales staff and our experienced service team to provide our customers with the best possible service. Together with our strategic partners, CityBlue Technologies truly delivers solutions beyond expectations.

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